Financing a car when you’re self-employed is a rather difficult task, or at least a bit more challenging than it would be if I had a job with a traditional employer. Even so, after two years of figuring out exactly how to go about the financing process, I finally ditched the old “shitmobile” for a bright, shiny red piece of happy. Presenting: Ruby Rio.
The car in question is a fully loaded 2013 Kia Rio, recently acquired to offset an aging, second-hand Hyundai Elantra. And while my original goal was to get a Jetta or a BMW 3 series, this will certainly do for now. I’ve recently become addicted to controlling my vehicle with voice commands, as well as to satellite radio and Bluetooth music streaming. Of course, now that my EZPass is transferred over and the car is ready to go, I look forward to many road trips into Philly, the Carolinas, central and eastern Pennsylvania, and beyond.