Category: Music
Musically Speaking, Part 3
As summer progresses, some of my favorite bands are (or will be) releasing new singles, new albums, and a whole bunch of summer-like goodness. That means it’s time for another edition of Musically Speaking, the series of music-theme blog posts that I am pretty sure are read by no one. But who cares! “Beautiful Day” […]
Musically Speaking, Part 2
The world needs more good songs, and I’m doing my part to make sure the battle for excellent audio experiences is won! No Minaj, no Ke-dollar-sign-ha, no other talentless hacks. Let’s get started with part deux of this new seriers of posts, shall we? “Suit & Tie” by Justin Timberlake My fingers are literally bleeding […]
Musically Speaking
The key to an enjoyable life is an ever-increasing iTunes library that knows no bounds. In that spirit, I think it’s time to broaden the horizons of my 14 readers with some new tunes. That is, of course, if these tunes have not already been added to the 600-gig iTunes library that you 14 people […]